Indonesian tourism potential in 2016 - Indonesian tourism potential in 2016 
See very good potential of nature in Indonesia, increasingly makes the spirit of economic growth began develops. false only from the area of tourism.
Turmoil in Indonesia did not make the spirit of the government and the community to dissolve in grief. Burning the midnight they just screams.
government rose, people who maintain and preserve.
Excavation of new growth potentials, maintain the natural ecosystems.

peta Indonesia
Peta Indonesia
In the era of president jokowi this time, revenue growth in certain sectors began to be seen, mafias started to run and eradicate, improve people's lives, the economy gradually smoothly.

Area tourism became one of the spearheads of state revenues. therefore a new breakthrough began born, improvement in the tourism sector began, overseas travelers arriving and each year continues to increase.

One of the tourist magnets in Indonesia is the island of Bali, Lombok and Nusa Tenggara.
Most of Indonesia's famous tourist spear in the eyes of the World. In particular the island of Bali, there was a story that there was an Indonesian citizen abroad to ask the man in Indonesia said the country's people and introduce tourism: Come to Indonesia, a vacation there, where Beautiful and Interesting. So foreign man replied: Indonesia ... ??? at Bali close what not .. ???

Woow ... shocked the Indonesian citizens .Then he explained, that Bali is also a part of the country Indonesia.
Review of the conversation, tells us that the island is even more famous than Mother earth (INDONESIA).
indeed very beautiful island this one.
Thousand Island of Gods .90% Balinese Hindu, then if you visit there should not be surprised that there is still a strong tradition.

Pulau bali
Pulau Bali
Seeing the rapid growth of the tourism sector, the government began to roll out the new rules to be followed up future.
Processing of new fields of tourism started to look for and follow-up, development of new projects, and jobs began to grow, so that people can also enjoy the effect.

but there is a big project, which invites foreign investors for the development, projeck Super, mega powerful in Bali. yes ... the exact location in the bay benoa / Cape Benoa.Reklamasi small island spend unlimited funds was happening.
Balinese and Indonesian Society and many who refused to march.
those who think that would be smart refused. !!! next to no interest from the ancient ruler (Prior jokowi) only concerned with personal interests and do not think about the effects that will be the case.
Then in Indonesia, especially Bali residents often do demonstrations rejecting Reclamation and asked the president to cancel the regulation.

Okay, so first reviews the potential for tourism and a little about the rejection rekalamasi in Bali.
Thank you for visiting friends. :)
Look forward articles and stories next. REGARDS.. :)

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